Many companies have felt the consequences of poor purchases of bonus products and many potential customers have chosen not to jump on a campaign because they get offered a bonus product that they don’t want. Wouldn’t it be better to get the customers to actually want to jump onboard thanks to the service you offer and also get an estimated product as a bonus?

How do you choose the right bonus product? You’re not going to do that! You simply let the customer choose for themselves and thus be guaranteed satisfied. We all know that a satisfied customer is a good customer.

When we take care of the entire chain, you get a fully optimized, adaptable and profitable IT solution with technical functions, but also a personal contact and commitment. We are always available and take responsibility for the entire flow from system, server, operation and support to purchasing, capital tie-up, warehousing and logistics to the end costumer, any payment solutions and customer service via phone and email.

Our system offers:

– Product development: Our product team are experts in target-group-adapted product development and have extensive experience in the industry. We continuously produce the best products at the best prices on the market.

– Loyalty Group sources a wide range of products, from the market’s top brands to simpler, popular products. We can also have a development team for your own, exclusive product development.

Your requirements: Sourcing meetings with high demands and low budget are not unusual – we know we can deliver!

– IT: We have very experienced developers, e-commerce consultants and UX designers. There are no limits to what we can help you with regarding IT, integrations, and development work.

– Loyalty Group is always responsible for the server, operation, and support as well as store management and customer service.

– Best available technology, mobile-adapted solutions and a strong commitment is a matter of course with us!

Warehouse and logistics: Loyalty Group is responsible for all purchases, warehousing, capital tie-up and logistics all the way to the end customer. Our warehouse has 40 years of experience – we will make sure that the correct product will be sent and arrive undamaged and on time!