If you run a charity and want to offer a gift certificate, we have the solution.

With our user-friendly platform, you will easily offer your customers the opportunity to design their very own gift certificate with a picture, text, and a greeting.

A tailor-made comprehensive solution

Loyalty Group is a partner that takes responsibility for the end result. With us as a supplier of the gift certificate service, you get all the functionality you want, and the customer gets an unbeatable user experience. Our platform is developed to provide the market’s best gift certificates in a cost-effective way. In today’s digital society, many people choose to refrain from overconsumption and instead donate to a charity that is close to their hearts. Give them that opportunity and do not miss important contributions to your organisation.

 How does it work?

  • We deliver a gift certificate solution that is linked to your website. There, the customer can choose the amount, upload their own picture, write their own greeting, and enter recipients.
  • The checkout is connected directly to you, and you can easily increase your contributions through the gift certificate service.